YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City

What is a Christian principle and what does it mean to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind, and body for all?  

From my perspective a Christian principle is a transformative action that seeks to break vicious cycles we find ourselves trapped in. It is a principle we see exemplified in the life and teachings of Jesus. It is the ethos or character of God’s mission to heal the world. 

Christian Ethicist Glen Stassen wrote, “The most effective way to drain a principle of its power is not to deny the principle but to affirm it in general while refusing to discuss any specifics.” 

Today’s Monday Morning Joe begins a new series focused on the 12 Christian principles of the YMCA. Join Joe as he explores what it means to use the principles of respect, love, peace, grace, empowerment, caring, faith, hope, honesty, responsibility, justice, and servanthood to transform yourself and your community.