YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City

The Ins and Outs of Giving to the Y

As a leading global non-profit, the YMCA seeks to be the best steward of our resources and are honored by the trust our donors place in us to fulfill our mission in the local communities we serve. Check out the resources below for our donors. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of our team!

Ways to Donate

There are a variety of ways you can donate to the Y!


Donate online with credit card, bank transfer, Venmo, PayPal, GooglePay (Chrome browser/Android only) and ApplePay (Safari browser/Apple products only).


Mail your check to:
Financial Development
YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City
500 N. Broadway Ave, Ste 500
Oklahoma City, OK 73102


The YMCA accepts stock donations and wire transfers. You can find instructions here.


The YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City also accepts in-kind donations for select services and items. Please reach out to our team for more information.


Planned giving offers donors the opportunity to leave a lasting legacy in their communities while potentially enjoying tax benefits and ensuring their assets are distributed according to their wishes. For the YMCA, these gifts provide long-term financial stability and support for our programs and services. Learn more.

The YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City has several ways you can donate to our endowment and/or leave a bequest. Please contact Lacy Kendrick, Vice President of Financial Development, at lkendrick@ymcaokc.org for more information.

The YMCA holds endowment funds with Oklahoma City Community Foundation and BancFirst.

Additional Donor Resources

The YMCA seeks to be an organization that is trusted by our donors and partners, operating with integrity and transparency. We follow the Donor Bill of Rights, developed by Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP), Association for Healthcare Philanthropy (AHP), Council for Advancement and Support of Education (CASE), and the Giving Institute: Leading Consultants to Non-Profits. 

While we appreciate generosity in all its forms, the YMCA does reserve the right to decline donations that do not align with our mission and values, or will cause undue burden to accept. Our Gift Acceptance Policy identifies the various methods of donating, our policies for accepting said gifts and any restrictions or conflicts of interest that may arise.

Need a tax statement of charitable giving? Fill out this form and our staff will complete your request in 3-5 business days. 

Meet the Y's Financial Development Team!

Have questions or need assistance? Submit our contact form and we’ll be in touch!

Lacy Kendrick
Vice President of Financial Development

Abby Werth
Development Officer: Annual Giving and Donor Relations
Makenzie Dean
Development Officer: Donor Stewardship and Communications
Lyndsey Speer Grave
Associate Director of Development: Grants
Michelle Smith
Department Administrator
Jessica Aycock
Data Analyst