Mental Health Community Care at the Y
In honor of Mental Health Awareness Month in May, the YMCA of Greater Oklahoma City is encouraging community members to care for themselves and others. Mental health is how we think, feel and act. At the Y, we recognize that we all have mental health, and mental health is an important part of our overall […]
Get Inspired: Stress Less
A KeepMovingOKC Blog April is Stress Awareness Month. Stress is a part of everyone’s lives whether we like it or not. It’s a part of everyone’s lives so much so that since 1992 every April is recognized as Stress Awareness Month. Without a doubt, stress takes a huge toll on us each and every […]
YMCA Celebrates 100 Years of Short Course Swimming
Did you know… 2023 marks the 100th anniversary of the YMCA National Short Course Swimming Championship? The first event took place in Brooklyn, NY in 1923 with 80 athletes. Today, this event hosts over 1,200 athletes from across the country! The very first championship was hosted May 19, 1923 at the Brooklyn Central Branch YMCA […]
Get Inspired: National Nutrition Month
A KeepMovingOKC Blog March is National Nutrition Month. It was created to increase awareness and show the importance of nutrition and how it can help you reach your goals. Its main priority is to educate everyone on the importance of making smart and healthy eating habits. Physical activity is key but what you put […]
Get Inspired: Healthier Heart, Healthier Life
A KeepMovingOKC Blog February is National Heart Month. To maintain healthy heart conditions is a lifetime commitment, but it is more than worth it. Prioritizing a healthy heart condition will help you to avoid other diseases or health issues. This February, challenge yourself and the ones around you to adopt a healthier lifestyle to […]
Get Inspired: Happy & Healthy Valentine’s Day!
A KeepMovingOKC Blog Post When we think of Valentine’s Day, we can instantly think of candy, heart- shaped chocolates, and all things romantic. It is a day to show love and be loved, not only for those around you but it is also a day to love YOU! February 14th may be just one day […]
Helping Your Resolutions Stick
New Year’s resolutions can be a fresh start for many of us, but sometimes it’s hard to really nail down exactly what we plan to accomplish in the next year. Often, our resolutions revolve around eating better, quitting a negative habit, or building a better routine into our daily lives. While the big, grand ideas […]
Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff: Holiday Stress Relief
The holiday season can be beautiful, from the lights twinkling around the city to the time spent with loved ones. However, it can also bring a lot of extra stress. Traveling, a full social calendar, the hustle and bustle of shopping for the perfect gift or stocking up on groceries for when the guests arrive […]
Ten Tips for Tackling the Holiday Temptation
The holidays often center around food, family and fun. The smell of food drifting from the kitchen is a staple in nearly every household, paired nicely with the sound of football on the TV. Whether you’re an early riser hoping to catch the first run of the big parade on TV or sleeping in until […]
Know Your Risk: One in Three
November is National Diabetes Awareness Month, and November 15 is World Diabetes Day. Following a year of reduced activity due to the pandemic, statistics show prediabetes rates are on the rise. Currently, 88 million American adults (more than 1 in 3) have prediabetes but less than 16 percent know they have it. Prediabetes is a […]