World Mental Health Day: Mental Health Matters
While the COVID-19 pandemic began as a physical health issue, it’s clear that mental health across the globe was also impacted. In the wake of constant change and slowly fighting their way back to normalcy, people have found themselves facing anxiety, depression and other mental health battles more than ever before. At the YMCA, our […]
Meet the Team: The Integris Health Crew at Mitch Park YMCA
Did you know there are three Integris Health outpatient physical therapy rehabilitation clinics across the Y? Meet the team working at the Mitch Park YMCA facility. Daniel O’Connor PT, DPT, CSCS (Physical Therapist) Danny is an Oklahoma City native and graduated from Oklahoma State University in 2012 with a B.S. in Athletic Training. He then […]
Meet the Team: The Integris Health Crew at Earlywine Park YMCA
Did you know there are three Integris Health outpatient physical therapy rehabilitation clinics across the Y? Meet the team working at the Earlywine Park YMCA facility. Kevin Taylor PT, ATC, Cert. DN I & II (Physical Therapist) Kevin graduated in 1994 from Oklahoma University with his degree in Physical Therapy. Shortly after, he became a […]
Meet the Team: The Integris Health Crew at YMCA HLC
Did you know there are three Integris Health outpatient physical therapy rehabilitation clinics across the Y? Meet the team working at the YMCA HLC-Integris facility. Raquel Samaniego (Rehab Technician/Patient Access Specialist) Raquel graduated in 2019 from the University of Central Oklahoma with a B.S. in Kinesiology: Exercise/Fitness Management and has been with Integris Health for […]
Drowning is Preventable: Know the Facts, Reduce the Risks
Written by Melissa Anderson Although swimming, kayaking and boating are some of the most popular summertime activities, they can be some of the most dangerous, as well. At the Y, we are dedicated to always keeping kids safe, including when they’re in the water. In the same way we highlight child abuse prevention every April, […]
Tips for Water Safety
As temperatures rise, it’s only natural that kids want to cool off. Whether that happens in home pools, ponds, lakes, rivers, streams or oceans, that means the risk of drowning is as prevalent as ever. May is National Water Safety Month, and now is the perfect time for parents and caregivers to reinforce the importance of equipping […]
Your Kidneys and You
Written by Nathan Donald Chronic Kidney Disease currently affects over 37 million Americans. Sadly, nine out of 10 impacted are completely unaware since it is typically a silent disease, which means no symptoms are present until it’s progressed to an advanced stage. My name is Nathan Donald, a District Executive Director for the YMCA of […]
A Heart-Healthy Checklist
February is American Heart Month, a time when organizations around the country share information and tips about improving (or maintaining) heart health. We’ve created a consolidated list that tells you what you need to know about heart-healthy living and steps you can take to improve the health and function of your body’s most vital organ. […]
Counting the Value of Sleep
Do you remember when you were a kid and you so badly wanted to be a grownup? You’d dream of a time when you could eat whatever you wanted at every meal, stay up as late as you desired, and of course, you’d never have any homework – you could do what you wanted with […]
Heavy Exercise and Parkinson’s Disease
Written by Carlene Hammonds Two very important things happened in our family in 2013. The first, my husband, Rich, was diagnosed by the Veteran’s Administration as having Parkinson’s Disease (PD). The second, he retired from the United States Air Force after serving for 33 years. According to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, […]